Kuwait: Duration of Visit Visa based on Salary – Higher the salary 3 months stay

MOI undersecretary for residency affairs Maj. General Talal Maarafi authorized residency department in all governorate to grant expats visit visa based on their income earned and check if expats are fully capable to sponsoring visitors stay. Visit visa now will be granted from 1 month to 3 months based on the salary of the applicant.

According to report, authorities will assess expats’ visit visa applications and grant them one- to three-month visit visas on the condition that sponsors have high income and are fully capable of hosting the visitors, namely parents.

Kuwait: Agricultural visa transfer after one year
Expats recruited in Kuwait in agricultural, industrial, shepherding and fishing activities or to work in co-ops will be allowed to transfer their work permits after one year instead of three years.

Original sponsor needs to approve the transfer. The transfer should also be made to another sponsor engaged in the same activity.

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