Companies allowed to lay off additional staff, cut salary during coronavirus crisis

Businesses can gradually adopt the following actions, in agreement with their employees:
- Implementing a remote work system
- Granting employees paid leave
- Granting employees unpaid leave
- Temporarily reducing salaries during the aforementioned period
- Permanently reducing salaries

Affected businesses having more employees than they need must register the additional staff on the virtual job market, so that they can be recruited by other businesses.
Meanwhile, these businesses will remain obliged to provide these employees with accommodation and other dues, except for salary, as long as they are in the country or until they are hired by other businesses.

New hires
businesses seeking to recruit during the suspension of overseas hiring shall be required to:

Post their vacancies on the virtual job market, search through available data, and select whoever meets the requirements

Apply for a work permit from the ministry, which will be provided through online systems, and hire selected candidates. Businesses can choose from a transfer work permit of employee to new employer, temporary work permit or part-time work permit. 

Temporary reduction of salary
businesses seeking to temporarily reduce the salary of an employee during the said period shall sign an additional annexure. The validity of this temporary annexure is limited to the agreed-upon term, or as long as this resolution remains valid, whichever is .

This annexure can be renewed in agreement of both parties. It shall be issued in two copies, with one copy for each party. The employer should be ready to present it to the ministry whenever requested.

Permanent reduction of salary
businesses seeking to permanently reduce the salary of an employee should first obtain the ministry's approval to do so by applying for 'change of a job contract’s data' according to effective procedures. 

Job seekers
Employees in the country looking for jobs should register with the virtual job market and apply for available jobs listed by registered organisations based on their qualifications and experience.

The provisions of this resolution is only applicable to expatriate employees and during the period of applying the above-mentioned precautionary procedures.

പുതിയ തൊഴിൽ നിയമത്തിന്റെ മലയാളം വായിക്കാം

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