Dubai Department of Economic & Tourism (DET) Business Activities List-A

Following are the Business Activities come under Department of Economic & Tourism (DET), Dubai. Refer this table to choose your Business Activity, to understand the Type of license and its Description. Business Activities start with alphabet A are mentioned below. 

ദുബായ് ഇക്കണോമിക് ആൻഡ് ടൂറിസം വകുപ്പിന് (ഡിഇടി) കീഴിൽ വരുന്ന ബിസിനസ്സ് ലൈസൻസ് ആക്റ്റിവിറ്റികൾ താഴെ പറയുന്നവയാണ്. നിങ്ങളുടെ ബിസിനസ്സ് ആക്റ്റിവിറ്റി തിരഞ്ഞെടുക്കുന്നതിനും ലൈസൻസിന്റെ തരവും അതിന്റെ വിവരണവും മനസ്സിലാക്കുന്നതിനും ഈ പട്ടിക കാണുക. A യിൽ ആരംഭിക്കുന്ന ആക്റ്റിവിറ്റികളാണ് ഈ പേജിൽ നൽകിയിരിക്കുന്നത്.

Call us for your Business set up and license related requirements:

Qusais (Al Nahda-2) Near Zulekha Hospital: 04-239 1302, 055 273 2295, 055-345 7829

Activity Code

Activity Name

Activity  Group

License Type



3D Printing Products Production


Other Metal Industries 


Includes firms specialized in producing products by the 3D printing through creating designs of objects with AutoCAD software, then the printer creates a three-dimensional object using lasers to fuse powdered materials together layer by layer, the powdered materials involve metal, plastic, rubber, silicon, ceramic, such technology involves different products and parts such as, jewelry, industrial parts, vehicles, dental and medical industry.

Related Activities:

(Additive Manufacturing),

Cast Iron Manufacturing, Precision Dies Manufacturing,

3D Printing Products Production Weighing Materials Manufacturing, Sawing Discs & Cutting Blades Manufacturing,

Tin Cans & Containers Manufacturing, Aluminum Foils Manufacturing, Steel Wool Manufacturing, Fire Rated Ducts Manufacturing, Egg Incubators Manufacturing, Traffic Signs Manufacturing, Metal Sections & Profiles

Manufacturing, Offset Printing Plates Manufacturing,

Steel Cable Reels Manufacturing, Fire Resistant Doors Manufacturing, Printing Cylinders Manufacturing, Bathrooms Hoses, Faucets & Angle Valves Manufacturing, Metal Badges & Military Insignia



Accidents Casualties Support Services

Professional & Community Services


Includes firms engaged in providing assistance and support to the persons who sustained injuries in accidents caused by land, air or sea means of transport, these persons might be away from home, the service involve visiting hospitals to relieve their suffering, communicate with their relatives abroad, undertake all the procedures to enable them go back home.


Accounting & Bookkeeping



Includes the offices specialized in setting and designing accounting systems for companies and firms, designing accounting documents, records and books, setting documentary cycles or other accounting processes. These offices offer services against fixed fees, but may not examine or audit accounts.


Accounting & Office Machinery Rental

Accounting & Office Machinery Rental


Includes the rental of office equipment regardless of their use, such as accounting equipment, typewriters, photocopiers, computer sets, word processors, microfilm photography equipment.. etc.


Acupuncture Center

Medical Clinic


A health facility licensed to provide medical treatment through insertion of metal needles into the skin and underlying tissues. It is believed that the needle affects the hypothetical channels and burning spaces of the body. The site of insertion is chosen to affect a particular organ for treatment purpose.

This license needs external approval from DHA.

ലോഹ സൂചികൾ ചർമ്മത്തിലും ആന്തരിക കോശങ്ങളിലും കയറ്റി വൈദ്യചികിത്സ നൽകുന്നതിന് ലൈസൻസുള്ള ഒരു ആരോഗ്യ കേന്ദ്രം. സൂചി ശരീരത്തിന്റെ സാങ്കൽപ്പിക ചാനലുകളെയും ദീപ്‌തമായ ഇടങ്ങളെയും ബാധിക്കുമെന്ന് വിശ്വസിക്കപ്പെടുന്നു.

ഈ ലൈസൻസിന് Dubai Health Authority (DHA) യുടെ അനുമതി ആവശ്യമാണ്.


Addiction Rehabilitation Center

hospitals & recovery houses


A healthcare facility provides residential treatment for people recovering from addiction as part of continuum of care for effective treatment. It is characterized by a high level of psychological and social intervention at a critical stage of recovery. Residential treatment is most effective when people are immediately discharged from an in-patient hospital unit, or when their addiction symptomology requires a low level of assisted withdrawal and when abstinence is a goal of treatment. In addition residential treatment is most valuable where there is polydrug misuse, co-occurrence of substance misuse and mental illness or complex social and relationship issues.

This license needs external approval from Community Development Authority.



Adult Day Healthcare Facility

 Medical Clinic


A non-residential facility specializing in providing services that are designed to meet the needs of functionally and/or cognitively impaired adults. Adult day health care facilities provide a caring, non-institutional setting for individuals who, for their own safety and well-being, can no longer be left at home alone. These facilities often provide protected settings and include a mixture of health and support services. Many offer specialized services such as programs for individuals with developmental disabilities, traumatic brain injury, HIV/AIDS, and vision and hearing impairments


Advanced Driving School

motor & motorcycles driving institutes


Includes providing theoretical education and practical to light motor vehicles drivers who hold valid driving licenses to refresh and enhance awareness on safe driving on roads, upgrading skills to identify and avoid driving risks, enabling understanding driving psychology, educating on how to plan a driving trip before taking the road.


Advanced First Aid Training Center

Institutes and education


A center specialized in scientically designing and providing training programs in advanced rst aid and its applications, in order to save a life or alleviate injury impacts to minimal level and facilitate therapeutic procedures to be done by the doctor.


Advanced Growing of Beverage Crops



Includes agricultural rms specialized in advanced growing of beverages crops, using methods of hydroponics, vertical farming and greenhouses or other non- traditional methods to grow coffee, tea, cocoa and other beverage crops for commercial purposes. such rms are allowed to import materials used in the agricultural operations, such as, Seeds, chemical and organic fertilizers, pesticides, as well as the specialized agricultural tools.


Advertisement Designing & Producing



Includes firms engaged in designing, creating commercial advertising to display in a printed medium such as a newspaper, magazine, periodicals, and also placing in radio, television, the Internet and other media


Advertising Researches & Consultancies

Consultancy -D- management, information and marketing


Includes providing advertising organizations advice and assistance on the creation of advertising campaigns and placement of such advertising in periodicals in order to encourage and persuade consumer behavior with respect to a commercial offering , also to employing different methodologies of research that works to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of advertising, such firms are not allowed to conduct field questionnaire before getting approval from the competent authority


Advertising Signboards Cleaning Services

Cleaning services


Includes cleaning signboards fixed on streets and roads.


Aerial Advertising Services



Includes artworks, pictures, multiple word messages designed on banners own by airplane in short trips at altitudes and routes permitted by the authorities in charge of air traffic. Airplanes must meet the safety requirements set by the concerned authorities. No firm can practice this activity prior to obtaining the required approvals from the general aviation Authorities and Civil Aviation Department.


Aerial photography services

Studio - professional license


Includes firms which provide aerial photography services, satellite imagery, and related services, in addition to collection of their data including preparation of aerial photos and related non-engineering services, these firms may use the Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS).


Air-Condition & Refrigeration Equipment Maintenance & Repair

Repairing of electrical & electronic appliances


Includes repairing and maintaining different air-conditioning systems, central, window or split units as well as coolers, cold storage compartments, central water cooling and other refrigeration equipment.


Air-Condition, Ventilations & Air Filtration Systems Installation & Maintenance

Repairing of electrical & electronic appliances


Includes series of installation processes ranging from fitting devices and accessories to air-conditions, ventilators, air-puriers , to reconditioning and maintaining the old units, cleaning air ducts, fixing fans, fabric filters, sound dampers... etc. It also involves installing air-sterilizers in foodstuff cold stores, kitchens, hospitals, laboratories, animal breeding and husbandry rooms, electronic plants, any facility that requires highly puried air or air with specific gas concentration.


Auction Organizing

Exhibition organizers


Includes firms organize public auctions to sell properties or movables by experienced auctioneers and appraisers, and in specialized galleries or in any place specified by the concerned authority, also, carrying out related procedures, mainly obtaining auction permits, announcements, venue leasing, sorting out sold materials, transfer of ownership and value collection.


Audiology & Speech Center

Medical Clinic


A health facility licensed to evaluate and treat hearing weakness and speech problems.

This license needs external approval from Dubai Health Authority (DHA).


Anaesthesia & Pain Therapy Clinic

Medical Clinic


Includes clinics where a specialized doctor in anaesthesia and pain therapy is permanently and continuously available to perform narcosis for patients undergoing surgeries or treating patients suffering chronic pain disease.

This license needs external approval from Dubai Health Authority (DHA).


Artistic Talent Contracting

Event Organizers


Includes offices which undertake brokerage and conduct contacts with singers, actors, musicians or the various artistic groups to perform musical, wedding, ceremonies and private parties or give artistic performances in favour of some licensed bodies and firms such as hotels, clubs and social institutions against a commission. These offices may not perform at parties for its own sake.


Auditing of Account



Includes offices specialized in practicing accounting services and qualified to audit accounts of companies and firms and make comprehensive examination and auditing of all kinds of accounts, records and accounting books of an establishment, the outcome of its business, and reports on its financial position.

This license needs external approval from Dubai Health Authority (DHA).


Auditing, Reviewing &Testing Cyber Risks

Information Technology


Includes firms engaged in auditing the organizations’ compliance with the standards and documented procedures that identify risks and vulnerabilities within the existing IT environment, also, conducting penetration testing to the established security measure for possible breaches and the exploitable vulnerabilities that an attacker might gain unauthorized access.


Auto Accessories Fitting

Motor vehicle repairing


Includes fitting non-essential automotive exterior accessories which embellish the look and feel of an automobile or add functionality, as well as the interior electronic and smart devices, also installing window lm to reduce sun heat and glare.


Auto Air-Condition Repair

Motor vehicle repairing


Includes maintaining and repairing the air-conditioning system of the car


Auto Denting & Painting

Motor vehicle repairing


Includes restoration and painting of the vehicle body affected by accidents or otherwise, including denting, chassis modify, welding works.


Auto Electric Repair I

Motor vehicle repairing


Includes maintaining and repairing the components of the auto electric system which starts and control the operation of the different parts of the car.


Auto Exhaust Repair

Motor vehicle Repairing


Includes maintaining and repairing car exhausts to minimize the noise produced by the engine as well as reducing engine emissions


Auto General Repair

Motor vehicle Repairing


Includes firms that repair all types of mechanical failure in light and heavy motor vehicles.


Auto Mechanical Repair

Motor vehicle Repairing


Includes workshops that repair mechanical failures in motor vehicles.


Auto Oil Change

Motor vehicle Repairing


Includes changing engine oil and other fluids which maintain the efficiency of the vehicle


Auto Radiators Repair & Maintenance

Motor vehicle Repairing


Includes repairing ,cleaning and restoring vehicle radiators


Auto Rust Proofing Services

Motor vehicle Repairing


Includes proofing cars with corrosion resistant materials such as chrome and steel which work to protect against corrosion and rust caused by external factors.


Auto Seats Cleaning  

Motor vehicle Repairing


Includes the manual and machine deep cleaning for car seats, other than the cleaning carried when the whole car is washed.


Auto Tarpaulin Tailoring

Motor vehicle Repairing


Includes sewing tarpaulin using strong, flexible, water-resistant or waterproof material to use as loose covers for cars in order to protect from wind, rain, or sunlight.


Automated Car Parking Systems Installation & Maintenance

Motor vehicle Repairing


Includes installing automatic systems capable of parking the cars in the parking garage by a programmed palletless automatic Robots , it involves receiving the car at the entry module , transfer to a vacant space and to transfer again to the exit module when the car is recalled , such parking garage can be constructed above ground and underground.


Automobile Driving School

motor & motorcycles driving institutes               


Includes providing theoretical education and practical driving instruction on light motor, heavy trucks and buses, lifting trucks and motorcycles, before attempting the practical driving test conducted by the concerned authorities.


Ayurvedic Center

Medical Clinic


A health facility licensed to provide ayurvedic Indian medicine, based on Indian philosophy of understanding human body, medicine and treatment. Indian medicine consists of natural resources of herbs, message, oils, nutrition, exercises, yoga and diet.

Dubai Department of Economic & Tourism (DET) Business Activities List-B

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